MidSquare March Insights: Unveiling the Enigma of the Bitcoin Halving

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Published date:
April 10, 2024

Dear Friends,

In the captivating realm of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin shines as a beacon of innovation, epitomizing a ground breaking economic model. Our latest monthly commentary delves into the phenomenon of the Bitcoin halving—an event that not only underscores Bitcoin's uniqueness but also offers a glimpse into its potential value over time.

The Digital Frontiers Fund delivered a net of fee return of 10.91% in USD for investors in March. Particularly pleasing was the consistency of the reward strategies delivering 2.95% for the month (approximately 42% APY). The Fund’s net of fee return for the seven months since inception is now 75.8% in USD.

The Bitcoin halving, occurring roughly every four years, holds the key to understanding Bitcoin's scarcity and its journey towards ultimate value. Our commentary navigates through the intricacies of mining rewards, the impending halving event, and the anticipated trajectory leading to the mining of Bitcoin's final coin.

As we stand on the brink of the next halving event, slated to decrease miner rewards to 3.125 Bitcoins per block, anticipation within the crypto community is palpable. These halving events serve as milestones, heralding periods of increased price volatility and potential long-term appreciation.

We invite you to explore our full commentary here to unravel the intricacies of the Bitcoin halving and its implications for the cryptocurrency market.

Thank you for your continued trust in MidSquare.  We are committed to providing valuable insights and navigating the dynamic cryptocurrency landscape together.

All the best,

The MidSquare Team

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